
Adobe Acrobat Document Appeal Abandonment and Intl Treaty Protection
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Case History Section 22


2000 - April 3

Abandonment Of Appeal, Canada

  • Notice of Abandonment of Extradition Appeal
  • Extradition Treaty Protection Letter from Alan Gold to Deputy DA, Bob Harward

Section 22 provides documentation in regard to Harmon’s agreed abandonment of his outstanding Canadian Extradition Appeal and Judicial Review, and Harmon’s intention to return to the USA to make application for a full dismissal of the charges outstanding.  Harmon waived his appeal rights, not his extradition rights under the Hague Commission Treaty.  Article 12 of the U.S. – Canada Extradition Treaty under the Hague Commission expressly provides: “A person extradited under the present Treaty shall not be detained, tried or punished in the territory of the requesting State for any offense other than that for which extradition has been granted…"  With the evidence of Phil Freytag’s dismissal of charges as to the so called extortion conspiracy that confirmed the extradition in the first place, Harmon’s chances of wining the extradition appeal and being set free in Canada were good.  His only reason for waiving his appeal was due to an agreement in place between his attorney, Dale Parrish and Deputy DA, Bob Harward to return to Colorado on his own recognizance to make application for a dismissal without being arrested.



Index of PDF Documents in Case History Section 22:



Pg       1          Legal documents in relation to the Notice of Abandonment of Appeal. 

Pg       6          Letter from Alan Gold to Robert Harward, Deputy DA, in regard to extradition rules. 







  1. How could it be that the DA Jeanne Smith would be motivated to renege on the agreement made that prompted Harmon to waive his appeal, and then have him escorted to Colorado by Federal Marshals in belly chains and handcuffs with the intent of presenting new charges on his arrival deliberately violating the Extradition Treaty between Canada and the US? All of this for custody related charges? Go figure!
  2. Even when DA Jeanne Smith was forced to drop any effort for additional charges, why did Harmon not get the opportunity that was promised to make application for dismissal? 
  3. The DA Jeanne Smith literally went to the expense of escorting Harmon by federal marshals half way across North America, only to have him bonded out and sent back to Canada with a new hearing date! How could this possibly be justified?